Chickens With Funny Hair [16 Breeds]

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Chickens With Funny Hair

If you think chickens are just simple farm animals, prepare to be dazzled! Chickens can be quite the fashionistas, flaunting some of the most extravagant and hilarious hairstyles you could imagine. Whether you’re a chicken enthusiast, a backyard farmer, or just someone looking for a good laugh, these breeds will certainly brighten your day. Let’s dive into the world of feathered pompadours, bouffants, and mohawks with these 16 breeds of chickens with funny hair!

Polish Chicken

Appearance: Polish chickens are immediately recognizable by their large, fluffy crests of feathers, which often obscure their vision. They come in a variety of colors, including white, black, and golden.

Personality: Despite their elaborate appearance, Polish chickens are known for being calm and friendly. They are relatively easy to handle, making them great pets.

Egg Production: Polish chickens lay small to medium-sized white eggs. While they aren’t the most prolific layers, they do produce a decent number of eggs each year.

Silkie Chicken

Appearance: Silkies are unique due to their soft, fur-like feathers, which lack the barbicels that hold traditional feathers together. They have black skin, blue earlobes, and five toes on each foot (most chickens have four).

Personality: Known for their gentle and friendly nature, Silkies are great for families with children. They are also very broody and make excellent mothers.

Egg Production: Silkies lay small cream-colored eggs. They are not known for high egg production but are valued more for their ornamental qualities and friendly nature.

Crevecoeur Chicken

Appearance: The Crevecoeur chicken has a distinctive V-shaped comb and a thick, black crest. Their sleek black feathers give them a stylish, almost formal appearance.

Personality: These chickens are relatively calm and can be friendly with proper handling. They are a rare breed, which makes them a unique addition to any flock.

Egg Production: Crevecoeur chickens lay medium-sized white eggs. They are not the most prolific layers but are valued for their striking appearance.

Houdan Chicken

Appearance: Houdans are characterized by their large crests and beards. They also have five toes on each foot and come in both mottled and white varieties.

Personality: Houdans are friendly and docile birds. They adapt well to confinement and can also be good foragers if allowed to free-range.

Egg Production: They lay medium-sized white eggs and are moderate layers. Their ornamental appearance often outweighs their egg production capabilities.

Sultan Chicken

Appearance: Sultan chickens are pure white with large crests, beards, and muffs. They also have feathered legs and vulture hocks, adding to their extravagant appearance.

Personality: Known for their gentle and calm nature, Sultans are often kept as ornamental birds. They are not aggressive and do well in confined spaces.

Egg Production: Sultans lay small white eggs. Their primary appeal is their decorative appearance rather than egg production.

Pavlovskaya Chicken

Appearance: Pavlovskaya chickens have a wild and untamed look with their spiky crests and mix of gold, black, and white feathers. They are one of the oldest Russian breeds.

Personality: These chickens are hardy and can adapt to cold climates. They are active foragers and have a friendly disposition.

Egg Production: Pavlovskaya chickens lay small to medium-sized white eggs. They are more valued for their unique appearance and historical significance.

Appenzeller Spitzhauben

Appearance: This breed features a distinctive forward-facing crest and a V-shaped comb. Their feathers are usually black with white spots, giving them a striking appearance.

Personality: Appenzeller Spitzhauben chickens are active and energetic. They are excellent climbers and foragers, making them ideal for free-range environments.

Egg Production: They lay medium-sized white eggs and are good layers, providing a steady supply of eggs throughout the year.

Brabanter Chicken

Appearance: Brabanters have a unique V-shaped comb and a stylish crest that gives them a distinguished look. Their feathers can be gold, black, or white with a laced pattern.

Personality: These chickens are friendly and curious, making them a joy to have around. They are hardy and can tolerate various weather conditions.

Egg Production: Brabanters lay medium-sized white eggs. They are decent layers and provide a good number of eggs annually.

Polish Frizzle Chicken

Appearance: Polish Frizzle chickens combine the fluffy crest of the Polish breed with frizzled feathers that curl outwards. This gives them a dramatic and windblown appearance.

Personality: These chickens are generally calm and friendly. The frizzled feathers require a bit more care, as they can be more fragile.

Egg Production: They lay small to medium-sized white eggs. Their unique appearance often makes them a favorite among chicken enthusiasts.

Breda Chicken

Appearance: Breda chickens have a simple, yet elegant look with their small crest and large, fluffy beards. Their feathers are usually black or blue.

Personality: Breda chickens are calm and easy-going. They are good foragers and do well in free-range environments.

Egg Production: They lay medium-sized white eggs. Bredas are not the most prolific layers but are appreciated for their calm demeanor and unique appearance.

Dutch Booted Bantam

Appearance: Known for their feathered feet that resemble fancy boots, Dutch Booted Bantams are small and come in various colors, including white, black, and mottled.

Personality: These bantams are friendly and active. They are great for small spaces and make excellent pets due to their gentle nature.

Egg Production: They lay small white eggs. Their primary appeal is their ornamental value and charming personality.

Ameraucana Chicken

Appearance: Ameraucanas have beards and muffs that give them a distinctive facial appearance. They come in various colors, including blue, black, and wheaten.

Personality: These chickens are friendly and curious. They are hardy birds that can adapt to different climates.

Egg Production: Ameraucanas lay medium-sized blue eggs. They are good layers and are often sought after for their unique egg color.

Araucana Chicken

Appearance: Araucanas are known for their tufted ears and lack of tail (rumpless). They have a distinctive look with various feather colors.

Personality: These chickens are hardy and active. They are excellent foragers and do well in free-range environments.

Egg Production: They lay medium-sized blue eggs. Araucanas are valued for their unique appearance and egg color.

Laced Polish Chicken

Appearance: Laced Polish chickens feature the elegant crest of the Polish breed combined with beautiful laced feather patterns in colors such as golden and silver.

Personality: These chickens are calm and friendly. They do well in both confined spaces and free-range environments.

Egg Production: They lay small to medium-sized white eggs. Their striking appearance makes them a popular choice among chicken keepers.

Mottled Houdan

Appearance: The Mottled Houdan has a large crest and a striking black and white feather pattern. They also have beards and five toes on each foot.

Personality: These chickens are friendly and curious. They are good foragers and can adapt to various environments.

Egg Production: They lay medium-sized white eggs. Mottled Houdans are appreciated for their unique appearance and friendly nature.

Tolbunt Polish Chicken

Appearance: Tolbunt Polish chickens have lavish crests and intricate mottled patterns of brown, black, and white. They look like they are always dressed for a grand event.

Personality: These chickens are calm and friendly. They adapt well to confinement and are a joy to have in any flock.

Egg Production: They lay small to medium-sized white eggs. Their primary appeal is their extravagant appearance and friendly disposition.


From the extravagant crests of the Polish and Sultan chickens to the fluffy beards of the Ameraucana and Araucana, these breeds showcase the incredible variety and charm of chickens with funny hair. Whether you’re adding to your flock or simply admiring from afar, these chickens are sure to bring joy and a touch of whimsy to your day. So next time you see a chicken, take a closer look – you might just spot a feathered fashionista! Read more funny bird names!

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