Having a pet is a rewarding experience that comes with a great deal of responsibility. When it comes to pets, there are many different animals to choose from, each with its own unique set of care requirements. One option you may not have considered is a lobster. Lobsters make interesting and unusual pets that can provide you with years of companionship.
Lobsters are long-lived creatures and can live for 20 years or more in captivity. This makes them a commitment that should not be taken lightly. As with any pet, there are also some specific care requirements that must be met in order to keep your lobster healthy and happy.
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Fun facts about lobsters
These are interesting creatures. Lobsters are nocturnal animals that sleep during the day and become active at night. They are also very good swimmers and can travel up to 20 miles per hour in short bursts. Lobsters are also known for their impressive longevity, with some individuals living to be over 100 years old.
Size and appearance
Lobsters come in a variety of sizes and colors, depending on the species. The largest lobster on record was over three feet long and weighed nearly 20 pounds. The smallest species of lobster, meanwhile, is only about an inch long. Most lobsters have a dark blue or green coloration, but some species can be yellow, red, or even white.
Myths about lobsters
Lobsters have been the subject of many myths and misconceptions over the years. For example, it is often said that lobsters are immune to pain. This is not true. Lobsters do feel pain and will avoid situations that they associate with being hurt. Another common misconception is that lobsters can only be found in the ocean. While most lobsters do live in saltwater, there are a few species that live in freshwater habitats.
Take care of your pet lobster
Caring for a lobster isn’t difficult, but it does require some effort and attention. You will need to feed your lobster a diet of live seafood, such as crabs, shrimp, and mussels. You will also need to provide a hiding place for your lobster to escape the bright lights and noise of the aquarium. As with any pet, there are a few basic things you need to do to take care of your lobster;
First, you need to provide them with a suitable habitat. Lobsters require a saltwater aquarium with plenty of hiding places. The tank should also be equipped with a filter and an aerator to keep the water clean and well-oxygenated.
You will also need to feed your lobster a balanced diet. Lobsters are omnivorous creatures that eat both plants and animals. A good diet for a pet lobster includes freeze-dried shrimp, crab meat, clam meat, seaweed, and vegetables like broccoli and spinach. You should also offer your lobster a calcium supplement to help them stay healthy.
When it comes to cleaning their habitat, you should do a partial water change every week and clean the filter monthly.
Lobsters are active creatures that need to exercise to stay healthy. You can provide your lobster with a place to swim and crawl around in their habitat. You can also offer them live prey to chase and catch. This will help keep them physically and mentally stimulated.
Handling your pet lobster
When it comes to handling your lobster, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. Lobsters have sharp claws that can cause painful cuts. It is important to handle them carefully to avoid being injured. Lobsters are very strong for their size and can easily escape from your grip. Make sure you hold them securely when you pick them up.
Lobsters are interesting creatures with unique personalities. If you are willing to put in the time and effort, a lobster can make a great pet. Just be sure you’re prepared for a long-term commitment and ability to provide the proper care.
What kind of lobster can I keep as a pet?
There are several different species of lobster that can be kept as pets. These include;
Hawaiian Red Reef Lobster

The Hawaiian red reef lobster is a beautiful brightly colored lobster. They are found in the reefs around Hawaii and can grow to be around 30cm long. Hawaiian red reef lobsters are easy to care for and make great pets. They can be kept in either a freshwater or saltwater aquarium. If you opt for a freshwater tank, then you will need to provide them with some rocks or coral to climb on as they like to hide away in crevices. It is also important to include plenty of plants in their tank as they love to nibble on them.
Debelius Reef Lobster
A debelius reef lobster is a small lobster that only grows to around 10cm in length. They are a brown or tan color with white spots and have long feelers. Debelius reef lobsters are found in the reefs around Australia and Indonesia. These little lobsters make great pets as they are very active and love to explore their tanks. They should be kept in a saltwater aquarium with plenty of rocks and hiding places.
Maldives Reef Lobster
The Maldives reef lobster is a beautiful blue lobster that can grow to be around 30cm long. They are found in the reefs around the Maldives islands in the Indian Ocean. Maldives reef lobsters make great pets as they are very active and love to explore their tanks. They should be kept in a saltwater aquarium with plenty of rocks and hiding places.
Blue Spiny Lobster
This is a special type of lobster that is actually not a true lobster. They are more closely related to crabs and crayfish. Blue spiny lobsters grow to be around 20cm long and are a beautiful blue color with white spots. They are found in the reefs around Australia and Indonesia. Blue spiny lobsters make great pets as they are very active and love to explore their tanks. They should be kept in a saltwater aquarium with plenty of rocks and hiding places.
What do pet lobsters eat?
Pet lobsters will eat just about anything you put in their tank. This includes; fish, shrimp, crabs, worms, clams, snails, and algae. It is important to provide them with a varied diet to keep them healthy. You can either buy special lobster food from your local pet store or you can feed them the same food you would feed your other fish.
The common type of foods that you can feed a lobster are;
- Fish: You can feed your lobster small pieces of fish or shrimp. You can also give them live fish to chase and catch.
- Worms: Lobsters love to eat worms. You can either buy special lobster food that contains worms or you can feed them live earthworms.
- Clams and snails: Clams and snails are a favorite food of lobsters. You can either buy special lobster food that contains these creatures or you can give them live clams and snails to eat.
- Algae: Algae is a good source of nutrients for lobsters. You can either buy special lobster food that contains algae or you can grow your own algae in their tank.
When it comes to feeding your lobster, they are not fussy eaters and will happily munch on just about anything you give them. It is important to provide them with a varied diet to keep them healthy. You can either buy special lobster food from your local pet store or you can feed them the same food you would feed your other fish.
What are the pros and cons of keeping a pet lobster?
Keeping a lobster as a pet is a unique and interesting experience. While they are not the most cuddly or affectionate creatures, they can make for interesting and low-maintenance pets. Lobsters are also relatively long-lived, with some species living to over 100 years old in captivity.
One of the main considerations when deciding whether or not to keep a pet lobster is whether or not you have the space for them. Lobsters need to be kept in an aquarium or tank that is at least 10 gallons in size. They also require access to a filtered water source and plenty of hiding places.